Stay Safe During Corona Outbreak

Greece is regarded as a paradise for nature lovers especially those who prefer to enjoy their vacations in the arms of nature in a tranquil atmosphere of islands located in the different corners of the country. But, due to unfortunate havoc created by the spread of coronavirus throughout the world and going through the lockdown situation all the affected countries, most of the tourists will have to sacrifice their summer vacations by staying at home.
Although there has not been any serious news regarding the effect of coronavirus on the islands of Greece except Lesbos and Zakynthos, whereas the islands of Corfu, Khos, Rhodes, Crete, Kavos have fortunately not recorded any case of corona affected patients, this is something sigh of relief news for the tourists and the local administration, especially for the tourists who are already in these islands and cannot leave for their respective countries. However, the governments are making efforts to soon make arrangements to let them go to their home, till then there are certain safety tips which they should follow to make the remaining days of their holidays in Paxos, safe and entertaining.
Tips For Staying Safe During Corona Outbreak
  1. There is one common rule to stay safe while you are out of your home is to at the place where you are frozen in case of an emergency, and therefore you should follow the same rule during your holidays. Stay in the villa that you have booked for your vacation. Doing this will ensure that you are safe from any type of punishment impofsed on the persons found walking on the road during the lockdown situation.
  2. Follow all the rules strictly imposed on the citizens and non-residents without any argument. Because it is the time when all the governments adopt all the protective measures to ensure the life of its citizens and also the tourists.
  3. Social distancing the best way to stay protected from infections and as the coronavirus is an infectious disease it spreads by coming in the contact with an infected person. Therefore, following the rule of social distance maintain substantial distance while talking to everyone, including the staff of the villa.
  4. Always stay in contact with your tour operator and the embassy of your country to know about the preparations it is taking for your departure.
  5. Pay attention to your personal hygiene and keep your hands cleaned properly and use sanitizer. Also, try to carry a substantial quantity of sanitizer in your bag until you do not reach your country.
  6. Do not ask for any type of help from strangers except the staff of your villa or your tour operator. Also, do share the contact details of your villa with your relatives and the tour operator for contacting you, in case if they are not able to contact you.
  7. If you have health insurance or travel insurance, ask your insurance agent to prepare all the documents prepared for claiming the necessary amount of compensation.
  8. Keep your face covered with a necessary mask and use tissues while coughing or sneezing.
  9. In case if you fell ill or feel any symptoms of illness in your body, do not take any medicine that you carry but immediately inform the management of villa to arrange for a doctor to examine you. It would interesting to know that most of the villas have the facility of personal doctor to provide medical assistance to their visitors coming for enjoying Paxos holidays.
Safety Tips After Returning to Your Country: Once you reach back to your country, there are certain tips that you should keep in concern because as this is an infectious disease maybe you are not infected but there are chances the virus of this might carry with your stuff.
Undergo the necessary check-up and notice changes in your health, if any, to ensure you are safe from any infection.
Isolate or quarantine yourself for a minimum to 14 days, in case if you notice any symptom of fever in your body. Following these steps will help you in not only make sure that you stay safe during this epidemic while you are out of the home on holidays.


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